DBB, INC. 15U World Series July 17-19

July 15, 2024
CVB Contact: Scott Bruscato
Phone: 318.387.5691
E-mail: sbruscato@monroe-westmonroe.org
DBB, INC. 15U World Series July 17-19
Sterlington, LA – Discover Monroe-West Monroe and the Sterlington Sports Complex will host the 2024 DBB, Inc. 15U World Series Championship tournament on July 17-19. Opening Ceremonies for the world series will be held Wednesday, July 17th at 1:30 pm.
This event has an estimated economic impact of over $253,4111 for Ouachita Parish and over 400 room night stays. Teams from across Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina will compete.
Pool play games occur throughout the first two days of play. Final Four play occurs on Friday, July 19th with the championship game at 6:00 PM. All tournament teams will play a minimum of three games. This is an invitational tournament and is open to all DBB 15U franchised teams.
“Sterlington Sports Complex is a perfect venue for a multi-day tournament, and our relationship with DBB continues to provide dividends as their World Series events benefit all of Ouachita parish. The 20 teams coming for the 3-day tournament will certainly have an impact on our community. We welcome the teams, coaches, and spectators and wish them the best of luck in their event,” said Scott Bruscato, Discover Monroe-West Monroe Executive Vice President of Sales.
DBB, Inc. was founded in 1957 in Alexandria, Louisiana. The organization has a rich tradition of providing service to young people, aged 13-19, through youth baseball. Mr. Jason Parker, incoming DBB Commissioner/CEO stated: “We are excited to have Sterlington Sports Complex as the venue for our 2024 World Series. 2 Seam Sports under the leadership of Ben Sheets and Kerry Elee have enhanced the complex to an even higher level with collegiate, high school and youth baseball events. 2 Seam Sports and their partner provide a great tournament experience. The award-winning agency of Discover Monroe – West Monroe are the best when it comes to event management, hospitality and professionalism. We thoroughly enjoy our visits.”
Admission is $10/day.
For more information contact Scott Bruscato at 318.387.5691 or sbruscato@monroe-westmonroe.org.
Discover Monroe-West Monroe promotes Ouachita Parish as a destination for leisure travel, conventions, meetings, and sporting events creating a positive economic impact for our local community through increased visitor spending and sales tax collections. For more information about Discover Monroe-West Monroe, visit www.monroe-westmonroe.org.