Discover Monroe-West Monroe Christmas Traditions
The holiday season is special for many different reasons - food, traditions, memories, and so much more. We asked our team to share a little bit about their favorite holiday traditions. Keep reading to see out how our team spends the holiday season in Monroe-West Monroe!

Alana Cooper
"On Christmas Eve’s Eve, we do a family scavenger hunt around town that is fun, but gets a little scary with the driving as we have some very competitive folks."
Nicole Leggett
"We go to my parent's house on Christmas Eve to open presents, eat and watch the younger kids get so excited for Santa!"

Hollis Walker
"My friends and I load up in a vehicle (usually one with a sunroof) to drive through Candy Cane Lane! We always stop by Eskamoes for custard too."

Abby Tingle
"My nephew LOVES the Grinch so we always make sure to stop by the Coca-Cola Truck Night at the Biedenharn Museum and Gardens to see the Grinch."

Scott Bruscato
"Our family would always play a Cajun Christmas exchange on Christmas night. It was more fun than just exchanging gifts - someone would always throw in a hotdog toaster nobody wanted!"

Brooklyn Burlew
"My friends and I try to visit Candy Cane Lane each year! It's fun to drive through and experience a little Christmas magic."

Sheila Snow
"Each year during Thanksgiving weekend, our family decorates our Christmas tree. Then, either on Christmas Eve or Day, we head to the movie theater to watch a movie together."

Claire Stapp
"My family loads up the car on Christmas Eve to go look at all the festive lights in Monroe-West Monroe!"

Stacy Gibson
"My friend group always has a themed Christmas party! Also, I will watch the Grinch and I am planning on starting some new traditions like visiting Candy Cane Lane."

Krystle Ivey
"My family started participating in the Redneck Parade last year as a new tradition, but we also travel all across NELA and neighboring states to see Christmas lights and decorations."

Francy Corley
"My mom always makes a huge Christmas breakfast for Christmas morning. All of my grandparents will stop by to open gifts and eat breakfast with us!"

Gracie Ouchley
"Each Thanksgiving my family lights up a big tree in our front yard! We do a neighborhood party/hot chocolate stand under it the night before Christmas Eve."

Dawn Wheat
"One of our favorite Family Christmas traditions is our Christmas Candy Day. We all get together and spend the day making our favorite Christmas treats, while listening to Christmas music.

Anthony Palmer
"My Christmas tradition is that my family and I wear matching pajamas on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, dog included."